Sometimes in soothing the tears of another, we soothe our own sadness, as well. Our sympathy arrangement of calming lavender stock, daisy poms, white roses and carnations, expertly gathered together in a clear glass cube lined with Ti leaf ribbon, is a graceful gesture of comfort and healing.
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability
Arrangement of white roses and carnations, lavender stock, cremones, daisy poms and monte casino and purple liatrus; accented with fresh greenery
Artistically designed by our florists in a classic clear glass cube lined with a Ti leaf ribbon; vase measures 5″H x 5″D
Large arrangement measures approximately 11″H x 11″L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 10″H x 10″L
Small arrangement does not include roses and measures approximately 9″H x 9″L
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